706Friday, April 12, 2002

4:00 PM-5:15 PMSan Diego Convention Center:Room 8
NASPE/Sport Psychology Academy
“You’re Out! No, I was Safe!” Building Character through Physical Activity
The old adage that “sport builds character” has been challenged by research showing that sport participation can impede character development. However, sport involvement may build character if specific affective components are targeted. The challenge is to translate research results into practical strategies that youth sport coaches and physical educators can implement. The purpose of this workshop is three-fold. First, a brief overview of moral development theory will be discussed. Second, explanation of an sociomoral education program in elementary physical education will be examined. Third, implementation strategies for youth sport and physical education contexts will be shared. Participants will be provided with sample curricula and practice plans integrating the concepts presented.
Keyword(s): coaching, elementary education, youth sports
Speaker: Gloria B. Solomon, California State University, Sacramento, Sacramento, CA

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