The advantages of accelerometers includes their small size and the ability to
store data continuously over long periods of time. The newest commercially
available accelerometer, the RT3 Triaxial Research Tracker (Stayhealthy,
Inc.), is based on the technology of the TriTrac R3D. The main purpose of this
study was to compare the accuracy of the RT3 Research Tracker to the Tritrac
R3D. Both instruments collect data in
activity movement counts in three planes [mediolateral (X), anteroposterior
(Y), and vertical (Z)] and vector magnitude (VM) [a composite of the counts]. A
secondary purpose of this study was to devise cut off points for RT3 VM counts
related to physical activity intensities (MET values). Twelve men [age 23 +
2 yr, ht=177.3 + 7.4 cm, wt=72.4 + 9.9 kg, VO2max=61.5 + 9.6 ml·kg-1·min-1, HRmax=189
+ 6 b·min-1] and thirteen women [age 24 + 2 yr, ht=165.9 + 7.4 cm, wt=60.0 + 8.2 kg, VO2max=48.5 +
6.8 ml·kg-1·min-1, HRmax=189 + 8
b·min-1] volunteered to participate in this study. Subjects
performed six minutes each of the following exercise conditions on a motorized
treadmill: slow walking (4.8 km·h-1), fast walking (6.4 km·h-1),
and jogging (9.7 km·h-1) at 0% grade; and fast walking (6.4 km·h-1)
at 5%, 10%, and 15% grades. The subjects then participated in slow walking (4.8
km·h-1), fast walking (6.4 km·h-1), and jogging (9.7 km·h-1)
on an outdoor field. Paired t-tests
found the RT3 had higher VM than the R3D for all exercise levels (p <
.001). ANOVA found the RT3 VM counts were significantly different with changes
in speed both on the treadmill [F(2,48)=541.0, p< 0.001] and outside
[F(2,48)=472.1, p< 0.001], as well as changes in treadmill grade [F(2,48)=13.2, p< 0.001]. Tukey post hoc
tests identified that increases in speed and grade were detected by increases
in average VM counts. Vector magnitude count cut offs corresponding to MET
levels were identified for the RT3 as Light [MET < 3, (VM < 1237)],
Moderate [MET 3 – 5.99, (VM 1237 - 3245)], Hard [MET 6 – 8.99, (VM 3246 -
5250)], Very Hard [MET > 8.99, (VM > 5260)].