Administrators Knowledge of Appropriate Practice in Physical Education

Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Exhibit Hall Poster Area 1 (Convention Center)
David Barney and Keven Prusak, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
Background/Purpose: The purpose this study was to investigate school administrator's knowledge of appropriate instructional practices in physical education.

Method: 130 school administrators (55 elementary school, 12 middle school, 24 junior high & 39 high school) from two states in the USA participated in this study.  A survey instrument used in previous appropriate instructional practices research was administred (36 survey statements).  An email was sent to the administrators requesting their help with the study.  In the email was a link to the survey, adminstrators could then click on the link and take the survey.  At the conclusion of the survey the administrators could then click on another link sending the survey to the researchers.

Analysis/Results: It was found from administrators that attendance and effort should be counted as a portion of a students' grade (86% incorrectly answered), students should get rewards for reaching a certain level on state/national fitness test (71% incorrectly answered), dodge ball and elimination games are appropriate to play in physical education class (75% incorrectly answered), full-sided or large sided games with one ball is appropriate to play (54% incorrectly answered), and the PE teacher should be recognized as "gym teacher", "coach" around the school (55% incorrectly answered).

Conclusions: 30 of the 36 survey statements were correctly answered by school administrators.  That is encouraging, yet, there is still opinions and perceptions regarding physical education from administrators that need to be addressed.  Physical educators need to educate their administrators in regards to what is appropriate to be taught in physical education class.  The researchers feel by educating their administrators, school administrators will be more supportive of physical education and better understand physical education and its purpose in a students overall education.