Pre/Post Comparison of Nine Constructs Within a Multidimensional Wellness Course

Thursday, April 25, 2013
Exhibit Hall Poster Area 2 (Convention Center)
Mindy Hartman Mayol, Brianna Scott, Lisa Hicks and Heidi Hancher-Rauch, University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN

Background/Purpose A multi-dimensional wellness curriculum should provide results that demonstrate an increased understanding and application of each wellness dimension in students. Outcomes from previous research at this institution demonstrated statistically significant student growth over one college semester in nine wellness dimensions. The purpose of the current study was to compare the nine constructs to each other within a similar college multi-dimensional wellness course to distinguish which construct demonstrated the strongest or weakest growth overall.

Method Students (n=276) enrolled in a 15-week university wellness and fitness course completed an online survey, pre and post, measuring nine dimensions of wellness. Each dimension consisted of five items that were summed to create one wellness construct. Each item was scored on a 1-4 scale, thus construct scores could range between five and 20.

Analysis/Results Physical (nutritional) wellness showed the greatest increase over the semester (M=2.20, SD=3.24) with physical (exercise) wellness second (M=1.83, SD=3.07). The two dimensions showing the least amount of growth across the semester were social and spiritual wellness (M=.44, SD=2.53; M=.40, SD=2.19, respectively). The remaining five constructs are listed in rank order: mental (M=1.02, SD=2.63), financial (M=.99, SD=2.83), environmental (M=.94, SD=2.68), occupational (M=.79, SD=2.54), and intellectual (M=.75, SD=2.57).

Conclusions Results demonstrate that a multi-dimensional approach to wellness significantly improves student understanding and application in each construct. However, changes to the curriculum will be made to bolster students' knowledge and experiences in the wellness constructs showing less growth. Additionally, validation and reliability studies of the existing survey instrument are currently in progress to aid in future studies.