596 A Developmental Perspective on Promoting Physical Literacy Across the Lifespan

Friday, March 16, 2012: 2:30 PM-3:45 PM
Convention Center: Room 309
NASPE/Research/Physical Sciences
Presider: Seung Ho Chang, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Speakers: Jacqueline D. Goodway1; Nalda Wainwright2; David Kirk3; Margaret Whitehead2; Ali Brian1; Jihyun Lee1; and Michelle Flemmons2, (1)Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, (2)University of Bedfordshire, Bedfordshire, England, (3)University of Bedfordshire, Bedforshire, England
Physical literacy is an emerging concept across Europe described as the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to maintain physical activity throughout life. An individual who is physically literate moves with poise, economy and confidence in a wide variety of physically challenging situations and can articulate essential qualities that influence personal movement performance and principles of embodied health. This presentation will provide an overview of the key concepts of physical literacy and provide applications.