366 Exergaming Comparison: Nintendo Wii Versus Xbox 360 Kinect

Thursday, March 15, 2012: 11:45 AM-12:45 PM
Convention Center: Ballroom B
AAPAR/Council for Lifelong Recreational Sports
Speakers: Barbara Bloomquist; Aindrea McHugh; Michael Gross; Hank Williford; and Erin Reilly, Auburn University at Montgomery, Montgomery, AL
Which active gaming console, Xbox 360 Kinect or Nintendo Wii, yields the greatest energy expenditure? This presentation is for those interested in exergaming and the associated health benefits. Wii and Kinect are both popular; however, unlike the Wii, Kinect requires participants to do full-body movements without controllers. Therefore, our presentation answers the question: does using a hand controller make a difference in the metabolic cost and exercise intensity of different video game activities?
  • Bloomquist_Exergaming Comparison.pdf (1.8 MB)