511 Thematic Textual Analysis of Picture Books for Health Education

Friday, April 1, 2011: 8:45 AM-10:00 AM
Convention Center: Room 29D
AAHE/Conduct Evaluation/Research
Presider: Amanda L. Divin, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL
Speakers: Valerie A. Ubbes1; Jill M. Black2; and Judith A. Ausherman2, (1)Miami University, Oxford, OH, (2)Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
Using a mixed-method research design, health-related keywords from over 5000 picture books were analyzed for relevance in designing skill-based lessons in early childhood health education. A textual thematic analysis was then applied to a historical curriculum document, the McGuffey Readers, for comparison. Curriculum studies raises questions about what constitutes relevant texts for health education and whether a textual thematic analysis of concepts, topics, and skills can inform our historical and cultural understanding of the field.
  • Thematic Textual Analysis of Picture Books for Health Education.pdf (5.0 MB)