532 There’s An "App" for That: Using Smartphones to Promote Activity

Friday, April 1, 2011: 9:00 AM-10:15 AM
Convention Center: Room 32AB
AAPAR/Council on Facilities and Equipment
Speaker: Matthew D. Cummiskey, West Chester University, West Chester, PA
If you’ve ever lamented the sight of several youths sitting idle, their heads buried in their phones, this session is for you. Smartphones will eventually be the norm, so it’s important users and professionals alike learn to harness them for physical activity and health. There are several new, exciting and free applications or “apps” addressing physical activity, fitness, nutrition, active gaming, data tracking and/or specific activities. Come join in - smartphone or techno-skills not required.
  • smartphones and PA handout.doc (22.0 kB)