Background/Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine the efficiency of plyometric exercises on adolescent female volleyballers.
Method In order to comparison the developments of jumping performance between groups we decided to compose two experimental (pliyometric training group and concentric training group) and one control group. Each groups composed of 12 volunteers female volleyball players between 15 and 16 years old. Counter movement jump, static jump with extra loads, drop jump, continuous contact mat jump, standing long jump tests were executed all participant groups before and after 15 weeks training session.
Analysis/Results Exception of counter movement jump both experimental group have got positive and statistically reliable development in vertical jumps and standing long jumps (p<0,001). There was no statistically significant difference between first and post jump tests for control group.
Conclusions The effectiveness of both training programs by their effect upon the level of growth of some major motor abilities, typical for the volleyball play, after 15 weeks training. This gives the possibility for grounded choosing of the training means, which results in greater effectiveness of the training process-saving time, neuro-muscular energy and better results in the development and refining of the general physical abilities of growing volleyball players.