659 Alternative Approaches to Student Teacher Supervision

Saturday, March 20, 2010: 7:30 AM-8:30 AM
Convention Center: 107
NASPE/Physical Education Teacher Education
Presider: Tina J. Hall, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
Speakers: Brent D. Heidorn1; R. Glenn Weaver2; and Deb Bainer Jenkins1, (1)University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA, (2)University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
Student teaching is the most influential experience in teacher preparation programs, yet finding strong placements and the cost of supervision make it difficult to ensure quality experiences. This session reports the use of two alternative approaches to student teacher supervision: 1) placing multiple students with one cooperating teacher and 2) videotaping teaching episodes. The data presented compares cost, time, effectiveness, and satisfaction with these two approaches compared traditional student teaching.
  • AAHPERD 10.ppt (418.0 kB)