570Friday, March 19, 2010

10:45 AM-12:15 PMConvention Center:Exhibit Hall NA Poster Area
NASPE/National Association for Sport and Physical Education
NASPE Sport and Physical Education Poster Sessions
A compilation of poster presentations addressing issues in sport and physical education.
Keyword(s): physical education PK-12, research, sport topics
Using Heart Rate Monitors To Promote Physical Activity in PE
Gilbert C. Liu1, Shawn C. Hoch1, Anne Graves2, Audrey A. Satterblom3 and Kathy Langdon2, (1)Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, (2)Clarian Health, Indianapolis, IN, (3)Indianapolis Public Schools, Indianapolis, IN
Bridging the Gap - Integrating Pedagogical Theory and Coaching Practice
Bill Connor, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI
Effects of Physical Activity In the Science Curriculum
Melissa Ann DeCarlo and Chelsea Fyffe, Wright State University, Bellbrook, OH
Concussion Documentation Procedures in Texas Interscholastic Football
Mike Black, Penn State University, University Park, PA
Hire Me: An Analysis of Collegiate Volleyball Successor and Performance
Janelle E. Wells, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Practices, Views, and Philosophies of Premier High School Coaches
Glenn A. Miller, Rafer Lutz and Karen Fredenburg, Baylor University, Waco, TX
Recruitment and Advising International Student Athletes
Anita N. Lee, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimatic, CT and Richard H. M. Yam, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA
Weight Training Concerns for Athletes with Nail-Patella Syndrome
Jennifer M. Plos and Renee Polubinsky, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL
A Longitudinal Analysis of Factors Affecting Major League Baseball Attendance
Lawrence Beck, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Concussion Management and Return-to-Play Protocols in Intercollegiate Football
Nick Potter, University of Nevada- Reno, Reno, NV
Avoiding the Dreaded Choke: A Program for Peak Performance
David F. Zinn and David F. Zinn, Meredith College, Raleigh, NC
Influence of Physical Education Uniforms on Students' Motivation and Participation
Meredith L. George, University of Alabama, Calera, AL and Allison J. Jackson, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL
Effective Teaching Strategies for Students' Intrinsic Motivation & Satisfaction
Sung Hyeon Cheon, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
Practical Answers to Questions about Body Composition Education and Assessment
David Q. Thomas1, David Q. Thomas1 and James R. Whitehead2, (1)Illinois State University, Normal, IL, (2)University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND
Do Wii Fit?
Jolynn S. Kuhlman1, Jolynn S. Kuhlman1, Kathy Ginter2, Lisa Davis3 and Dave Hoffa3, (1)Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN, (2)Indiana State University, Veedersburg, IN, (3)Honey Creek Middle School, Terre Haute, IN
Select Childhood Diseases: Guidelines for the Physical Educator.
LaGary Carter and LaGary Carter, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA
Pros v. Joes: Professionalism Views Among In-service and Pre-service Teachers
NCATE: What You Need to Know for Your First Interview
Timothy M. Baghurst, Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, AR
Cigarette Smoking Habits of Students in PE Department
Hasan F. Mavi, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL
A Critical Examination of Student Teachers' Use of Figurative Language
Brett J. Holt, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT and Tom Ratliffe, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
Integrating Service Learning into Sport Management Courses
Bryan Romsa1, Jon Lim1, Bruce Pietz2 and Gary Rushing1, (1)Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN, (2)Baldwin-Wallace College, Medina, OH
where have all the physical eductors gone: (Michigan and Indiana)
Mary C. Schutten1, James E. Bozung1 and Colleen Lewis, PhD2, (1)Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI, (2)Grand Valley State, Allendale, MI

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