133Tuesday, March 16, 2010

10:15 AM-12:15 PMConvention Center:Sagamore BR 4
NAGWS/(also known as GWS) National Association for Girls and Women in Sport
Increase Activity and Build Girls' Confidence with Kickboxing and Self-Defense
The first part of this joint session will explore opportunities to increase activity and learning time through kickboxing. Suggestions will be made to increase pedagogical efficiency with large class sizes. The second part will explore the incorporation of a self-defense unit of study with the goal of increasing girls’ confidence. Attendees will receive a self-defense skill-based curriculum designed to be taught to high school girls. Participants are encouraged to dress for activity.
Keyword(s): exercise/fitness/physical activity, gender issues, violence/prevention
Speakers: Aaron Banks, Samantha Broderius and Bonnie J. Reimann, Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Peter, MN; and Kaitlin Rodriguez and Kara Scanlon, Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY

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