566Friday, March 19, 2010

10:15 AM-12:15 PMConvention Center:Wabash BR 1
NASPE/Research/Social Sciences
Tools to Engineering Better Sport Experiences for Coaches and Kids
This presentation highlights new tools to engineer better coaches and youth sport experiences. The Coaching Success Questionnaire -2 is an instrument to assess how well coaches help athletes win, enjoy sport, and develop physically, psychologically and socially, providing a tool to guide coach development. Competitive engineering is the process of modifying the rules, facilities, equipment and structure of youth sport to create more positive competitive climates. Guidelines for using the CE model effectively are provided.
Keyword(s): coaching, sport and exercise psychology, youth sports
Presider: Christy Greenleaf, University of North Texas, Denton, TX
Speaker: Damon Burton, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID

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