187Wednesday, March 17, 2010

10:30 AM-11:45 AMConvention Center:Wabash BR 1
NASPE/Sport and Coaching
Effective Coaching Lessons from Applied Research and a Coaching Legend
A brief review of research on effective coaching will be combined with a unique first-hand account of how to apply the effective teaching practices of one of the most decorated and successful coaches of the 20th century. The presenters include scholars who have studied effective coaching and teaching, a former professional athlete and 2-time NCAA champion, a successful high school coach, and distinguished business and education leaders working with a national youth sport non-profit organization.
Keyword(s): coaching, research, youth sports
Speakers: Ronald Gallimore, University of California, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, CA; Swen Nater, Mark Siwik and Frank Jessie, BeLikeCoach, Inc., Cleveland, OH; Jean Côté, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada; Hank Bias, Fairmont High School, Kettering, OH; and Wade Gilbert, California State UniversityFresno, Fresno, CA

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