661Saturday, March 20, 2010

7:30 AM-8:30 AMConvention Center:Sagamore BR 4
NASPE/Preschool and Elementary PE
Teaching Health, Wellness, and Elementary Physical Education in One Class
In many places students have physical education for 30-40 minutes per week and it is difficult to cover safety, nutrition, and health concepts and keep children moving. One way to maintain activity time for students is to teach wellness concepts through physical activity. This session includes activities and lessons that can be used in elementary school physical education. The integrated wellness lessons were developed by teacher candidates, physical education teachers, and college faculty.
Keyword(s): elementary issues, health education K-12, physical education PK-12
Presider: D. Floyd Jones, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Speakers: Anna E. DeVito, Andro L. Barnett, Stacey Kendig and Rosalie Barretta, Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV; Susan T. Dempf, The Sage Colleges, Troy, NY; Elaine Gregory, Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY; Janice M. Bibik and Karen F. Edwards, University of Delaware, Newark, DE; and Angelique Edwards, Concord University, Athens, WV

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