328Thursday, March 18, 2010

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:208-209
NASPE/Middle and High School PE
Web 2.0: Wikis, Blogs and RSS Readers: Create, Implement, Enjoy!
Designed for any educator looking to improve the instructional process or integrate technology into the classroom, this hands-on session will demonstrate Web 2.0 tools (wikis, blogs and RSS readers) that can be used across the curriculum at all grade levels. Participants will be taught the basics of creating their own wiki (PBwiki.com), creating their own blog (Blogger.com), and using a RSS feed reader (Bloglines.com). All three of these resources are free and available online.
Keyword(s): physical education PK-12, professional preparation, technology
Speaker: Dr. Joanne M. Leight, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA

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