298Thursday, March 18, 2010

7:30 AM-8:30 AMConvention Center:Wabash BR 2
NASPE/Sport and Coaching
The Science Behind Chocolate Milk as a Post-Exercise Recovery Beverage
After strenuous exercise, the post-workout recovery period is critical for building and repairing muscles. And there’s a growing body of evidence that suggests milk may be just as effective as some commercial sports drinks in helping athletes recover and rehydrate. This session provides an overview of the science and tips for physical education professionals to bring the research to life with students. Meet professionals from the NBA, nutritionists and coaches who will share their experiences.
Keyword(s): disease prevention/wellness, exercise/fitness/physical activity, nutrition
Speakers: Janet Helm, Weber Shandwick, Chicago, IL; and Denny Marsh, Advanced Fitness Solutions, Ottawa, OH

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