292Thursday, March 18, 2010

7:30 AM-8:30 AMConvention Center:108
NASPE/Research/Social Sciences
Demographic Indicators that Lead to Rehabilitation Non-compliance within Athletics
This presentation will review existing literature concerning collegiate athletic rehabilitation noncompliance/compliance and will discuss the development of a new instrument by which athletes, athletic trainers, and sports psychologists can rate the importance of the most highly recognized indicators for rehabilitation non-adherence This instrument is developed in the hopes that it will provide a common pathway to assess the indicators associated with non-adherence and discern any differences in perceptions of significance of these factors between groups.
Keyword(s): athletic training, safety/injury prevention, sport and exercise psychology
Presider: Matthew P. Rearick, Roanoke College, Roanoke, VA
Speakers: James Buriak, Matthew P. Rearick and John W. Creasy, Roanoke College, Salem, VA

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