682Saturday, March 20, 2010

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:108
NASPE/Research/Social Sciences
Applied Attention-Related Strategies for Instructors and Coaches
The importance of attention to the motor skill learning process is well known. An understanding and application of attention-related concepts and strategies will be the focus of an interactive workshop: (a) capacity, (b) arousal, (c) focus, (d) self-talk (ST), and (e) freezing. The application of specific strategies that target the aforementioned concepts will be shared to address the individual needs of the audience through the use of discussions, explanations, and activity demonstrations.
Keyword(s): coaching, motor skills, sport and exercise psychology
Presider: Paul F. Blair, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL
Speaker: David Cutton, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL

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