447Thursday, March 18, 2010

4:15 PM-5:30 PMConvention Center:Sagamore BR 4
NASPE/Preschool and Elementary PE
Healthy Highway-Innovative, Imaginative Nutrition and Exercise Program for Children
Healthy Highway is an innovative curriculum-based K-5 program that teaches healthy nutrition and active lifestyles. Learn how to use a progression of "traffic theme" activities that will encourage students to engage in fun "fuel" exercises and drive through a nutrition rich curriculum that can be easily implemented and expand to a school wide program. Healthy Highway is based on educationally sound concepts, is fun, and creates a lifelong road to good health.
Keyword(s): active participation, elementary issues, nutrition
Presider: Wendy Cooper, Healthy Highway, Rochester, NY
Speaker: Jean Blaydes Madigan, Action Based Learning, Murphy, TX

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