424Thursday, March 18, 2010

2:15 PM-4:15 PMConvention Center:206-207
Making Money on the Sidelines: Package Your Passion
What unique skills do you have that correlate with your passions? Would you like to make extra money combining your skills, talents, and passion? What talents could you turn into a small business or offer for consulting, workshops, trainings, or speaking engagements? Discover the value of networking, people skills, professionals skills, and expertise that could be a sideline venture or business. This two-hour workshop will provide time for individual reflection and group work.
Keyword(s): community-based programs, leadership development, marketing/public relations
Speakers: Janice K. Adair, Minnesota State University - Moorhead, Moorhead, MN; and Regina J. McGill, Retired, Princeton, IA

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