Scheduled for Research Consortium Poster Social: Research Across the Disciplines, Wednesday, March 17, 2010, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall RC Poster Area

Commitment to Diversity, Demographic Diversity, and Organizational Effectiveness

George B. Cunningham, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

Background/Purpose: Commitment to diversity is a force or mindset that binds an individual to support diversity. Past research has shown that this commitment is manifested in three mindsets: (a) affective, or desire to support diversity because of the belief in its inherent benefits (b) continuance, or recognition that there are costs associated with failure to provide support for diversity and (c) normative, or a sense of obligation to provide support for diversity. A recent analysis of NCAA Division I athletic departments indicated that those workplaces that coupled high levels of all three mindsets and high gender and racial diversity attracted more diverse fans, enjoyed greater employee creativity, and had more satisfied employees. The purpose of this study is to extend this research line by considering the effects of commitment to diversity and employee diversity on two objective measures of performance: Title IX compliance (substantial proportionality) and overall performance.

Method: Data were collected from 593 athletic administrators from NCAA Division II athletic departments, and later aggregated to the department level of analysis (n = 191). Participants completed a questionnaire in which they provided the demographics of the department, and completed the commitment to diversity scale. Title IX compliance was computed by comparing the proportion of female athletes to the female undergraduate population. Athletic performance was measured through NACDA points.

Analysis/Results: A cluster analysis was computed to examine how commitment to diversity, gender diversity, and racial diversity related to one another. Three clusters emerged. A multivariate analysis of variance was then computed to examine potential differences among the clusters in Title IX compliance and athletic performance. The multivariate effects were significant, F (4, 304) = 5.07, p < .01, as were the univariate effects for both Title IX compliance, F (2, 152) = 6.71, p < .01, and athletic performance, F (2, 152) = 3.49, p < .05. Results indicate that athletic departments with high employee diversity and high commitment to diversity had the greatest Title IX compliance. Further, athletic departments with high employee diversity and high commitment to diversity, as well as those with moderate employee diversity and high commitment to diversity, had greater athletic performance (NACDA points) than their counterparts.

Conclusions: The findings provide compelling evidence for the benefits of diversity. Athletic departments that coupled employee diversity with a strong commitment to diversity outperformed their counterparts on two objective measures. Efforts to foster a commitment to diversity should be endeavored.

Keyword(s): gender issues, multiculturalism/cultural diversity, sport history, philosophy, sociology

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