Scheduled for AAHE RCB Poster Session - Student, Thursday, March 18, 2010, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM, Convention Center: Exhibit Hall NA Poster Area

Live Well with Stem Cells: Health Educators and Biomedical Technology

Helen M. Graf and Heather Miller, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA

Description of Presentation: Health educators are immersed in biomedical ethical dilemmas perpetuated by rapidly changing technology which allows for extraordinary medical interventions. Health educators working in the community or medical care settings need to prepare themselves to navigate these challenges and be willing to serve as a resource person to help educate their clients in appropriate decision-making. The purpose of this study was to investigate attitudes of stem cell research and cloning among older adults in a community setting.

Participants of the session will be able to:

1. comprehend the findings of a recent study on older adults opinions of stem cell research and cloning;

2. articulate significant factors the impact a person's receptivity to stem cell discussion; and

3. understand the role of the health educator in information dissemination on stem cell research.


Stem cell research is a controversial topic and at the same time has the potential to cure many diseases (NIH, 2009). The two most studied types of stem cells are adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells (Enger, 2007). The researcher hypothesized that people over 65 will have more negative attitudes about stem cell than the younger age groups. The research design used was a quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental study in which the 23-question survey measured the attitudes of stem cell research and cloning of a rural, elderly population in Georgia (n=107). The sampling methodology conducted in this research was a non-probability, sample of convenience. Descriptive and inferential statistics reported means and significant differences. Data analysis indicated that 66.3% of the participants would allow doctors to use stem cells on them if they were diagnosed with a disease that could be cured with stem cells. The mean average for stem cells found people “moderately favorable” in favor, yet moderately unfavorable for cloning. Over half (57.5%) of the participants believe that cloning should not be allowed. Religion was a significant factor (p<0.05) that determined how positive an attitude one might have, while age, gender and occupation were not. This could one day cure and treat diseases that today have no cures or treatments for. Health educators could play a role in assisting people in the community in medical centers understand stem cell research and potential benefits that might arise.

Keyword(s): disease prevention/wellness, medical/medical care, research

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