Scheduled for Lessons From the Field—Mentoring Student Researchers, Friday, March 19, 2010, 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM, Convention Center: 109

Becoming an Effective Research Mentor

Brian F. Geiger, University of Alabama - Birmingham, Birmingham, AL

PURPOSE - to describe characteristics of an effective mentor of student research in HPERD professions drawn from more than 20 years of successful experience. Desirable characteristics include patience, sense of humor, knowledge of current issues and trends in the profession and research design and methodology, willingness to provide individual guidance within and outside of the classroom, continuous advocacy for students as emerging professionals, and positive relations with diverse constituents across settings (university, agency, school, clinical).

METHOD - participants will consider contrasting examples of supervised research experiences that adhere to federal rules and ethical practices, i.e. respect for persons, maximize benefits and reduce risks, demonstrate beneficence and justice. Session presenters will facilitate small group discussion among participants as they consider case examples.

RESULTS/CONCLUSION - participants will develop enhanced awareness of the benefits and challenges for a mentor of student research mentor in HPERD. Presenters will summarize the discussion with reference to discipline-specific code of ethics and national standards for professional preparation.

Keyword(s): pre-service/student, professional preparation, research

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