Scheduled for Power in Presenting, Precision in Presiding: Strategies for Success, Thursday, March 18, 2010, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM, Convention Center: 109

Perfecting Your PowerPoint or Poster: Tips and Tricks

Timothy M. Baghurst, Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, AR

A presenter, whether through oral or written format, aims to impart knowledge. Frequently this is assisted by using a PowerPoint presentation or a poster. However, how successful this delivery method can be depends on the ability of the presenter to use this resource effectively. This session will provide the participants with skills and tools necessary to reduce errors, improve transition, and enhance the visibility and attractiveness of their PowerPoint and poster presentations. Application of provided content will enable the presenter to use their resource to enhance rather than hinder the delivery of their presentation.
Keyword(s): interdisciplinary

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