112 Integrated Teaching & Brain Research through Games, Gymnastics, & Dance

Tuesday, March 31, 2009: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center: Ballroom B
NASPE/Preschool and Elementary PE
Speakers: John Parks1; Michael Alvey1; Kelly Selfe1; Nancy Brown1; Gail Burton1; Vicki Dean1; Kathy Clark1; and April Johnson-Robbins2, (1)Moore Elementary School, Franklin, TN, (2)Dayton Public Schools Kemp Elementary, Centerville, OH
CEU OPPORTUNITY: This activity session will demonstrate thematic teaching techniques used to connect academic subjects through educational games, gymnastics, and dance. Participants will understand developing a thematic unit, integrating subject content, applying the movement framework with the national standards, designing lesson plans and assessing learning. The Moore Elementary School staff will demonstrate how they implement S.M.A.R.T. (Stimulating Maturity through Accelerated Readiness Training). This integrated approach enables students to develop skills and confidence through brain stimulation and development.
Brain Stimulation and Development—“SMART”—Franklin Special School District Way
John Parks, Michael Alvey, Kelly Selfe, Nancy Brown, Gail Burton, Vicki Dean and Kathy Clark, Moore Elementary School, Franklin, TN
Thematic Teaching Techniques Integrated through Educational Games, Gymnastics, and Dance
April Johnson-Robbins, Dayton Public Schools Kemp Elementary, Centerville, OH
  • Thematic Teaching.pdf (1.3 MB)
  • Brain Devel and Stimulation:Clark.doc (76.5 kB)
  • SMART Music Play Handout.doc (57.0 kB)