140 Active Individuals with Disabilities: a Workshop Packed with New Ideas

Tuesday, March 31, 2009: 1:00 PM-5:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center: 10-12
AAPAR/Adapted Physical Activity Council
This hands-on activity based workshop will focus on getting individuals with disabilities involved in activity. Research within schools indicates that teachers feel unprepared for the challenges faced when including students with disabilities in physical education (LaMaster, Gall, Kinchin, & Siedentop, 1998). In part, these are due to a lack of knowledge and training in the area of disability and disability sport. This workshop will provide participants with tools they can immediately implement.
Tactical approach for students with intellectual disabilities to learn games
Jinjin Yang, Daniel Swartz, Meghan Wiese, Markos Tsagas, Michael DeFelice, Kyle Sandberg and Samantha Wiedmann, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT
Acrosport for Adapted Physical Education Programs: Building Skill Together
Jim Rauschenbach1, Daniel Swartz2, Jinjin Yang2 and Jim Rauschenbach1, (1)Southern Connecticut State University, Hamden, CT, (2)Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT
Teaching for Inclusion in Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education
Michelle Grenier, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH and Martin Mansell, International Paralympic Committee, Chesterfield, England
Engaging Students with Physical Disabilities in Physical Education and Recreation
Diana Helt, Keri Petrofsky and Kelly King, Lakeshore Foundation, Birmingham, AL