455 Using Sport as a Vehicle for Social Change

Thursday, April 2, 2009: 2:15 PM-4:15 PM
Tampa Convention Center: 15-16
NASPE/Sport Management/Administration
This workshop explores how societal issues of ethics, race, gender, religion, and sexuality affect sport in general and teams more specifically. Part I examines how ethics, commercialism, and politics impact the potential for developing character through sport. Part II is an interactive session that offers insights and recommendations for building bridges across these differences on teams, including how coaches can create better communications and relationships, eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and build team unity.
Sports As a Reflection of Society
Angela Lumpkin, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Bridging Differences: Race, Sexuality, Religion, and Gender in Athletics
Amy Sandler, University of NevadaLas Vegas, Henderson, NV and Niki R. Quasney, Doris French Elementary School, Henderson, NV
  • Sandler, Quasney Bridging Differences.ppt (4.3 MB)
  • Scenarios.doc (34.5 kB)
  • Sports As a Reflection of Society.ppt (8.8 MB)