398 PALS – A School and Community Wellness Program

Thursday, April 2, 2009: 11:45 AM-12:45 PM
Tampa Convention Center: 14
AAPAR/Children, Youth and Families Council
Speakers: Bradley L. Hooks, Ogletree Elementary School, Auburn, AL; and Debra A. McDonald, Richland Elementary School, Auburn, AL
One Saturday each month a hundred kids and parents hike, ride bikes, canoe, or jump rope-- talking, laughing, and interacting with one another AND getting physically fit at the same time! PALS is an easy-to-fund, easy-to-run wellness program that meets two goals: 1) increased physical activity and 2) improved family relationships. Come learn how you can be a PAL!
  • PALs handout - aahperd.doc (28.5 kB)