109 Tennis for All Ages

Tuesday, March 31, 2009: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center: Ballroom D
AAPAR/Council for Lifelong Recreational Sports
Speaker: Jason Jamison, United States Tennis Association, Avondale, AZ
The Council for Lifetime Recreational Sports and the United States Tennis Association have partnered to offer a workshop on teaching tennis. This hands-on program will show participants how to teach tennis to people of all ages and abilities. Skill instruction and drills will be taught. Equipment, facility, and rule modifications will be discussed. The new USTA curriculum, Quickstart Tennis, will be introduced.
  • Tennis Station Descriptions.pdf (69.1 kB)
  • QuickStart Tennis Games - No Courts Required!.pdf (166.7 kB)
  • USTA Curriculum Postcard - 09.pdf (1.3 MB)