580 Using Internet-Based Survey for Quantitative Data Collection

Friday, April 3, 2009: 10:15 AM-11:30 AM
Tampa Convention Center: 20-21
AAPAR/Measurement & Evaluation Council
Presider: Anita N. Lee, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimatic, CT
Speakers: Anita N. Lee1; Chih-Ming (Ryan) Chung2; and Mei-Lin Yeh2, (1)Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimatic, CT, (2)Springfield College, Springfield, MA
Using Internet-based surveys for quantitative data collection is for everyone, including physical activity and recreation professionals, physical education and health education teachers, and researchers. This presentation will introduce the issues, concerns, and practices of using Internet-based survey tools. Also presented will be advantages and disadvantages, legal issues and practices, limitations and delimitations, identifying target populations, sampling methods, validity and reliability, and comparisons of Web-based tools.