425 Perceptual Motor Learning Laboratory

Thursday, April 2, 2009: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center: 20-21
NASPE/Preschool and Elementary PE
Speakers: Jill Johnstone1; Molly Ramon1; and Darci Magee2, (1)Timberwilde Elementary School, San Antonio, TX, (2)Aue Elementary, San Antonio, TX
CEU OPPORTUNITY: Get Your Motors Running…….. This session is a comprehensive overview of how to implement a motor laboratory in the elementary school setting. Important questions will be answered such as: What is a motor laboratory? What resources are needed? What is the importance of gross motor development? Who is eligible and how are they selected? What are the results from our motor lab for the past three years?
  • Perceptual Motor Learning Laboratory.doc (44.0 kB)