650 International Games: The Great Equalizers!

Friday, April 3, 2009: 2:45 PM-4:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center: Ballroom C
NASPE/Middle and High School PE
Presider: Rebecca J. Gunderson, Mayville State University, Mayville, ND
Speaker: Susan F. Schultz, Augusta State University, Martinez, GA
CEU OPPORTUNITY: Come learn how to teach international games such as rugby, netball, takraw, and cricket. These games are played by relatively few so all begin at the same skill level! Modifications for safety and the use of equipment that is found in your equipment room will be emphasized. You will have all the tools necessary to teach these activities on the day you get back from the conference.
  • International Games AAHPERD Document.doc (27.5 kB)
  • International Games-The Great Equalizers!.doc (287.5 kB)