231 Assessment Literacy for Standards-Based Physical Education (SBPE)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009: 1:45 PM-3:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center: 5-6
AAPAR/Measurement & Evaluation Council
Speaker: Vincent J. Melograno, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
Assessment literacy among teachers is essential to quality SBPE. Assessment practices that integrate the needs of users, learning targets, appropriate methods, communication modes, and student involvement are examined. Assessment-literate teachers are able to: (1) determine what to assess and how to assess; (2) match the proper assessment method with the intended learning target; and (3) distinguish between assessment of learning and assessment for learning. Formative assessment strategies that increase student achievement are explored.
  • Assessment Literacy Handout - V. Melograno.doc (368.5 kB)