RC Grant Findings: National Board Certified Physical EducatorsPersonal and Professional Characteristics

Thursday, April 2, 2009: 11:45 AM
7-8 (Tampa Convention Center)
Amelia Mays Woods and Jesse L. Rhodes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
Mounting evidence indicates that the quality of the teacher in the classroom is the most significant schooling factor predicting student achievement (Berry, Hoke, & Hirsch, 2004; Ferguson, 1998; Goldhaber, 2002; Hanushek, 1992; Hanushek, Kain, & Rivkin, 1999). To help ensure high-quality teachers, states have established guidelines for certification such as minimum test scores and specified college course work. The National Board for Professional Teacher Standards (NBPTS) was developed to certify teachers beyond the minimal requirements of state certification. Its mission is to establish high and rigorous standards for what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do. Currently the number of National Board Certified Teachers (NBCT) in the US exceeds 55,000, including over 1,100 National Board Certified Physical Educators (NBCPET).


The purpose of this study was to survey NBCPET in the United States to identify their personal characteristics, educational backgrounds, teaching context, and related experiences.


NBCPET numbering 825 were contacted to complete a written survey. Responses were received from 232 teachers, with 123 responding via email and 109 responding via US Mail, resulting in a 28.3% response rate.


Internal consistency of survey data was tested utilizing Cronbach Alpha procedures. Cronbach testing indicated internal consistency at .845. Descriptive statistics revealed that 78% (n=178) of the respondents were female and 22% (n=51) were male. The mean age was 47 years (female x°¥ =48.8 years, male x°¥ =41.3 years). The sample population was comprised of Euro Americans 91% (n=159), Native Americans 4.5% (n=8), African Americans 3% (n=5), Asian Americans 1% (n=2), and Latin Americans .5% (n=1). In relation to educational background 30% (n=69) have a bachelors degree, 67% (n=153) hold a masters degree, and 3% (n=7) hold a doctorate. The mean number of classes taught per week was 29.7 (female=31, male=24), and the mean number of students taught was 402 (female x°¥ =413 male x°¥ =359). NBCPET had taught for 20 years (female x°¥ =20, male x°¥ =18) with 7.7 years at their current employer. They typically earned a yearly salary of 50K-60K (female x°¥ =50.16K, male x°¥ = 50.45K). Teachers described themselves as politically liberal 32% (n=62), very liberal 5% (n=7), conservative 31% (n=64), very conservative 11% (n=23) as neutral 21% (n=42).


These findings indicate that the NBCPET share various demographic characteristics, educational backgrounds, and teaching context, however, interesting gender difference within these areas exist. Furthermore, these teachers hold diverse political views.

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