484Thursday, April 2, 2009

4:30 PM-5:30 PMTampa Convention Center:Ballroom A
The Effects of BASI-Pilates Classes on Advanced BALLET CHICAGO Students
The session asks "Does Pilates really work?" Presenter studied changes in female and male Ballet Chicago advanced students who took two Pilates classes per week for 4 weeks (1.0 hours each), taught at Ballet Chicago. This class is based on the hypothesis that BASI-Pilates exercises aid in abdominal strength, as well as external rotator muscular endurance; resulting in improved postural alignment, increased muscular control of turnout - and proposed decrease rate of dance-related injury.
Keyword(s): active participation, dance, exercise/fitness/physical activity
Presider: Jo L. Byrnes, Cottey College, Nevada, MO
Speaker: Mary S. Burns, Ballet Chicago, Athletico, Chicago, IL

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