Scheduled for AAHE/RCB Professional Poster Session, Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM, Tampa Convention Center: Exhibit Hall NA Poster Sessions

Developing a Research Proposal: Key to a Successful Research Project

Ping Hu Johnson, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, Gayle L. Bush, Troy University, Troy, AL and Lei-Shih Chen, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL

Effective and high quality research is important in the advancement of Health Education professions. Having a well-designed research proposal is the first step in conducting successful research projects. This workshop will include topics on how to write succinct research hypotheses, identify appropriate research design in implementing the project, and select the appropriate statistical method for a specific research project. Hands-on assistance in developing a sound research proposal will be offered during the workshop.
Keyword(s): health promotion, professional preparation, research

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