0Wednesday, April 9, 2008

1:00 PM-2:00 PMConvention Center:121F
Song Support Commercial Presentatin: "Catch a Brain Wave!" Fitness Fun
Get kids moving to “brain-based” fitness songs that provide a complete 20-minute workout from warm-up to cool-down. The internationally acclaimed, multi-award-winning “Catch A Brain Wave Fitness Fun" offers an exciting guided movement workout for children ages 4 - 9. Attendees will learn how to orchestrate a motivating physical fitness workout using intentionally designed, sequential movements - including many shown by recent research (e.g, Brain Gym ®) to enhance learning by targeting specific regions of the brain. This presentation will be highly interactive and is intended for Elementary P.E. Teachers and Recreation Directors.
Speaker: Liz A. Jones-Twomey, Southridge Public School (Waterloo Reg. District School Board, Waterloo, Ontario)/Song Support (Booth# 1422), Kitchener, ON

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