371Thursday, April 10, 2008

11:00 AM-12:15 PMConvention Center:202D
RC Scholar Lecture: Health Promotion in the 21st Century
We witness daily serious, quickening, often synergetic global health problems that will plague our children and the world’s people for generations to come. These include climate change, emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, obesity and resulting chronic diseases, disparities, expanding conflict, and depression. We have redefined the nature of public health and systems approaches to improve the well-being of large populations. Yet we have been slow, at least in the United States, to systematically or visibly reform. This extends across academic programs in our disciplines, professional organizations, and perhaps public institutions that prepare and support those who collaboratively must apply new approaches to new and daunting problems. In this lecture, Dr. Lloyd Kolbe, Professor of Applied Health Science at Indiana University will address these issues in the context of Health Promotion in the 21st Century.
Keyword(s): research
Presider: Ron E. McBride, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Speaker: Lloyd J. Kolbe, Indiana University - Bloomington, Bloomington, IN

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