722Saturday, April 12, 2008

10:15 AM-11:30 AMConvention Center:203BC
NASPE/National Association for Sport and Physical Education
Stress Reduction Tips for the Busy Professional
Do you ever feel there isn't enough time in the day? Are you trying to balance work and home life and sacrificing your own health in the process? As a family medicine physician, I see the impact of stress in my patients daily. Research suggests 50-80% of illness has stress-related aspects. Stress can affect our bodies in many ways, including fatigue, headaches, back pain, depression, and anxiety. However, our personal ability to cope with stress can impact how it affects us. This presentation will address common physical symptoms and healthy approaches to improve well-being for teachers, coaches, administrators, and researchers.
Keyword(s): adult physical activity/fitness, exercise/fitness/physical activity, health promotion
Speaker: Aldebra Schroll, Argyll Medical Group, Chico, CA, Chico, CA

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