264Wednesday, April 9, 2008

3:15 PM-5:15 PMConvention Center:Ballroom A
NASPE/Council of Physical Education for Children
New SPARK Ideas and Increasing Physical Activity in Elementary Schools
In the first 60 minutes presenters will provide "what's new" in SPARK featuring Standards-based lessons creatively integrated with the inclusive, high activity, and FUN instructional strategies for which SPARK is known. Themes include: ASAP (Activity as Soon as Possible), PACE (Physical Activity Choices to Enjoy) and HOME Plays (promoting activity away from class) -- all guaranteed to provide at least 3 new ideas! The second 60 minute presentation will describe a variety of innovative techniques for the elementary physical education teacher to achieve more physical activity time during the regular school day without causing a disruption to the curriculum schedule.
Keyword(s): elementary issues, exercise/fitness/physical activity, physical education PK-12
Presider: Thom McKenzie, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA
Techniques for More Physical Activity Time in Elementary Schools
Debra Sullivan1, J. Leon Greene1, Jessica Silvia1, Bryan Smith1, Joe Donnelly1, Katrina DuBose2, Cheryl Gibson3 and Rik Washburn1, (1)University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, (2)East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, (3)University of Kansas, Kansas City, KS
All New SPARK Ideas -- Raising the Bar
Courtney A. Sjoerdsma1, Courtney A. Sjoerdsma1 and Paul Rosengard2, (1)The SPARK Programs, Redwood City, CA, (2)The SPARK Programs, San Diego, CA

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