331Thursday, April 10, 2008

8:45 AM-10:45 AMConvention Center:201A
NASPE/Coaches Council
Coaching in America: What is Being Done to Train Coaches
During the last forty years, need and practicality of coaching education has been debated. The quality of the athlete’s experience is related to the quality of leadership in the sport program, and it's argued that positive coaching skills are learned through systematic coaching education programs. Yet, as sport participation rates and media attention have reached an all time high, it is believed that relatively few coaches have appropriate credentials. This presentation will paint a picture of coaching education in the United States. From youth through high school sport, we'll explore how coaching requirements impact today's athletes. Sponsored by NSCA-Certification Commission.
Keyword(s): coaching, professional preparation, youth sports
Speakers: Jody Brylinsky, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI; Kimberly J. Bodey, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN; and Darren Treasure, NFHS Educational Consultant, Indianapolis, IN

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