753Saturday, April 12, 2008

1:00 PM-2:15 PMConvention Center:201BC
NASPE/Coaches Council
Coaching and Family: Buffering the Conflict and Building the Enrichment
Understanding the growing challenge of maintaining work-family balance, this session utilizes research-based information to assist coaches and athletic administrators to build support networks and organizational climates that are conducive to such balance. Coaches will learn about formal and informal policies that aid in work-family balance, building their own support network, and about talking to management about these issues. Supervisors will learn the importance of work-family balance for their employees’ satisfaction and retention. Attendees will also gain insights into creating a family-friendly workplace through formal policies and informal organizational culture. Interaction is invited and encouraged.
Speakers: Marlene A. Dixon, University of Texas, Austin, TX; Timothy D. Ryan and Michael Sagas, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; and Jennifer E. Bruening, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

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