299Thursday, April 10, 2008

7:30 AM-8:30 AMConvention Center:204AB
NASPE/Middle and Secondary School Physical Education Council
Podcasting for Physical Education: The “How To” and “Why"
The purpose of this session is to provide examples of how to implement podcasting into your physical education program. Beginning podcasters will learn the “how to” and “why” of podcasting. The advanced podcaster will receive additional strategies. The discussion will include how to improve communication, add additional sources of information to your program, provide alternative assessment strategies, and improve professional development with the use of podcasting. This session is relevant to K-12 physical educators.
Keyword(s): high school issues, middle school issues, technology
Presider: Mark Sisson, Rockwood School District, Rockwood, MO
Speaker: Patrick Fine, Chesterfield Elementary, Chesterfield, MO

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