383Thursday, April 10, 2008

12:30 PM-1:30 PMConvention Center:101
AAPAR/Adapted Physical Activity Council
Strategies for Teaching Physical Education to Students with Visual Impairments
In our public school systems there has been an increase of students with visual impairments mainstreamed into regular physical education classes. Many Elementary and Secondary physical education teachers have not had the proper training and/or experience to meet the needs for this type of population. In this workshop, I would like to share with other physical education teachers, the proper adaptations and techniques necessary for teaching students with visual impairments. The recent emphasis on health and physical fitness makes it impairative that all students, regardless of any special need, receive the educational tools necessary to live a healthy life.
Speaker: Joe Paschall, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Austin, TX

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