533Friday, April 11, 2008

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:203BC
NASPE/Middle and Secondary School Physical Education Council
Implementing Tactical Approach Within Sport Education: A Story of Change
The audience of this presentation will learn the steps and successes of a 3 year collaborative effort between a university professor and a physical education teacher in implementing a Tactical Approach and a Sport Education Model into teaching middle school physical education. Students exposed to the new models were grades 6th, 7th and 8th, approximately 200 students over two years. Data were collected via teacher’s self-reflection, video taped observation and student interviews. Teacher and students agreed that a Tactical Approach implemented within Sport Education provided more challenging tasks, fun and encouraged students to work together to reach a common goal.
Keyword(s): high school issues, middle school issues
Speakers: Edward B. Olsen, Barkalow Middle School, Little Silver, NJ; and Klara D. Gubacs-Collins, Montclair State University, Mahwah, NJ

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