712Saturday, April 12, 2008

10:15 AM-11:30 AMConvention Center:121B
AAHE/Professional Preparation
Power of the Written Word: Synergy of Resolution and Advocacy
The AAHE Advocacy and Position Statement Committees will present how position statements and resolutions can be used to advance advocacy efforts. Health educators can use position statements and resolutions to develop advocacy procedures, such as letters to the editor of local newspapers and other media outlets, and/or letters and communication to local, state, and national policy-makers. In addition to presenting how to develop and use position statements and resolutions for advocacy efforts, this presentation will highlight current AAHE position statements and resolutions, the rationale for their development, and discuss how these can be used in advocacy initiatives.
Keyword(s): NA
Presider: Kimberly M. Coleman, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA

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