565Friday, April 11, 2008

10:15 AM-12:15 PMConvention Center:Ballroom B
NASPE/Middle and Secondary School Physical Education Council
Introducing Country & Western Dance into Your Physical Education Curriculum!
During this hands-on session two former Texas A & M country dance instructors will introduce participants to the Cotton Eye Joe, Schottische, Two Step, Polka, Waltz and Jitterbug. In addition to learning the basics of these traditional favorites participants will learn techniques for teaching students how to lead and follow and how to integrate students so that participation and enjoyment and maximized! Prepare to kick up your boot----or sneaker heels, sweat and have fun!
Keyword(s): high school issues, middle school issues
Speakers: Chip S. Schaeffer, Millersville University, Millersville, PA; and Carol A. Smith, Elon University, Elon, NC

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