301Thursday, April 10, 2008

7:30 AM-8:30 AMConvention Center:202AB
NASPE/Biomechanics Academy
Skill Analysis – A Toolbox Necessity: The Specifics
Skill analysis is a fundamental tool for individuals involved in the study of human movement. The ability to analyze movement does not happen naturally but is a result of instruction and practice. This fundamental tool often does not receive the attention required in some pedagogy programs. This seminar will demonstrate how to execute a skill analysis, how the skill breakdown can be used in the grading scheme and how skill breakdown can improve feedback. Building on the success of last year’s presentation, this seminar will also provide specific skill components for several common skills for analyses.
Speakers: Wendi H. Weimar, Auburn University, Auburn, AL; and Ellen H. Martin, Columbus State University, Hamilton, GA

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