690Saturday, April 12, 2008

8:45 AM-10:00 AMConvention Center:203BC
AAHE/School K-12
If It's Really Love, Why Am I So Miserable?
Helping adolescents skillfully interact with others in significant relationships and the effect of media on social norms are crucial components that are often omitted from sexuality education classes. Participants will experience activities that are interactive, and student centered to help adolescents gain skills regarding their important relationships. Participants will gain usable classroom strategies for that often difficult to understand concept of “love” for use with adolescents in a comfortable, non-threatening manner. Strategies to recognize healthy and unhealthy relationships, to communicate effectively, to negotiate boundaries, and how to end relationships in a healthy manner will be demonstrated.
Keyword(s): health education K-12, youth-at-risk
Presider: Emogene Johnson-Vaughn, Norfolk State University, Norfolk, VA
Speaker: Su Nottingham, Central Michigan University, Stockbridge, MI

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